Only one week left until we get to meet the newest addition to our family. Provided the baby doesn't arrive before, I am scheduled to be induced next Monday! I REALLY can't wait, for a number of reasons, but the nerves are starting to get worked up too. Not sure I'm ready to do it all over again...
I've been very tired the last week or two, had a bit of a health scare with the baby that put me in the hospital for two days of testing (everything turned out well), and have just had a feeling of permanent discomfort. I'm ready to have my body back. :)
Emily's very excited that the baby is coming soon. I'm not sure she realizes the limitations the baby will have for at least a few months, but she's excited all the same! She'll be a great big sister!
Our weather has finally been nice, instead of rain everyday. Em and I picked our first 5 strawberries of the season today. Our patch has significantly diminished production this year - we'll have to replace the plants next year, I'm sure.
Not much else is new. My diabetes health nurse thought I might have to take a second type of insulin at mealtimes, in addition to my once-a-day shot. But after reviewing my numbers with her this morning, she gave me a pass for the last week. Thankful for small blessings, as I was not looking forward to having a needle 4 times a day. Apparently, I'll be done with the insulin as soon as I have the baby, and will need to get further testing to confirm that the GD has gone away, a few weeks later.
Until next time...
Buck Lake Blogger